Plugin - Wercker Status
Add Wercker status of the project to the Atom status bar.
Code Status
You will find this package in "atom" packages in the settings.
or run apm install wercker-status
from the command line.
The Wercker build status for your repository will be indicated by the message in the status bar.
In the first time after installation , you need to configuration the library, with your user and password, you will find the fields in "atom" settings. The user and password erase when get token.
The status Wercker operates automatically, identifying your project and getting the status of the build. But you can also use the following hotkeys:
- Hotkey to check status in Windows/Linuxshift-cmd-W
- Hotkey to check status in Mac OS Xwercker-status:checknow
- Use this command to bind other command.
And you can find the "Wercker status" in menu "Packages".
Atom Wercker Status is released under the MIT License.