This package adds a 'working files' pane above Atom's tree-view, mimicking the functionality of Brackets. Includes file icon support.
This package consumes the following services:
working-files package
This package adds a 'working files' pane above Atom's tree-view, mimicking the functionality of Brackets.
This package is a fork of open-files by oriolmirosa which is basically a fork of the tree-view-open-files by postcasio, so most of the credit should go to him. The fork ports the package from coffeescript to ES6, and makes a number of modifications to make the 'working files' pane look similar to Brackets:
- The pane appears as part of the tree-view, sitting above it. It resizes automatically to show all open files.
- The 'working files' panel is collapseable when clicking on the label. An option in the settings tab makes it possible to make the panel uncollapseable.
- Supports multiple panes, showing an appropriate title for each.
- The file list can be ordered alphabetically using multiple (cascading) criteria: filename (base), extension (ext) and directory (dir). The order of these criteria can be indicated as a (comma-separated) string in the settings. Default is: base, ext, dir. This is the same functionality that can be found in the tab-smart-sort package.
- The cross to close a file only appears when the mouse hovers over the entry (while the 'edited' marker is always visible).
- Support for file-icons package.