
A terminal emulator for Atom. You can run shell sessions, Vim, Emacs, htop, etc.







This package provides the following services:

Atom Xterm

There have been many Atom packages that let you run a terminal in a pane tab, rather than some little panel you can't put anywhere you like. This is only the latest.

Thanks to term3, which this is a fork of, all the previous forks (term2, term), and the rather good xterm.js, which is what this package embeds into Atom.

I've only tested this on macOS, but the native bits haven't changed from term3 so they should be okay.

Why the fork?

Initially it was just to swap out the terminal emulator in term3 for xterm.js, but then it kind of took on a bunch of other things I wanted to do. It modernises the code a bit, removing a bunch of dependencies and giving it a spring clean. I also added basic serialisation, so Atom remembers you had a terminal open and reopens one after you quit and re-open.

Differences with term3

Selecting text isn't quite as good, because of lack of support in xterm.js. I hear better APIs are coming, but for now, selecting with your mouse copies straight to the clipboard and that's your lot.


The usual way:

$ apm install xterm

Key Bindings

key binding event action
ctrl + alt + t xterm:open Opens new terminal tab pane
ctrl + alt + up xterm:open-split-up Opens new terminal tab pane in up split
ctrl + alt + right xterm:open-split-right Opens new terminal tab pane in right split
ctrl + alt + down xterm:open-split-down Opens new terminal tab pane in down split
ctrl + alt + left xterm:open-split-left Opens new terminal tab pane in left split
ctrl + k, t, t xterm:open Opens new terminal tab pane
ctrl + k, t, up xterm:open-split-up Opens new terminal tab pane in up split
ctrl + k, t, right xterm:open-split-right Opens new terminal tab pane in right split
ctrl + k, t, down xterm:open-split-down Opens new terminal tab pane in down split
ctrl + k, t, left xterm:open-split-left Opens new terminal tab pane in left split
cmd + k, t, t xterm:open Opens new terminal tab pane
cmd + k, t, up xterm:open-split-up Opens new terminal tab pane in up split
cmd + k, t, right xterm:open-split-right Opens new terminal tab pane in right split
cmd + k, t, down xterm:open-split-down Opens new terminal tab pane in down split
cmd + k, t, left xterm:open-split-left Opens new terminal tab pane in left split
ctrl + insert xterm:copy Copy text (if ctrl + c is not working)
shift + insert xterm:paste Paste text (if ctrl + v is not working)
cmd + k, cmd + k xterm:clear-scrollback Clears the scrollback buffer of the active terminal

Customize Title

You can customize the title with substitution variables. These are the current variables you can use:

title variable value
bashName current shell's name, (e.g. bash, zsh)
hostName OS's host name
platform platform name, (e.g. darwin, linux)
home home directory of current user

Default version of title template is

Terminal ({{ bashName }})

(I haven't tested this still works.)

Additional Features

Version History










Known Issues

Note about colors

Currently, you will need to adjust the colors in config.cson (then you should be able to edit them in the package settings view).

You can add something like (please note the 2 examples of color format):

    normalBlack: '#000'
      red: 255
      blue: 0
      green: 0
      alpha: 1
    normalGreen: ...
    normalYellow: ...
    normalBlue: ...
    normalPurple: ...
    normalCyan: ...
    normalWhite: ...
    brightBlack: ...
    brightRed: ...
    brightGreen: ...
    brightYellow: ...
    brightBlue: ...
    brightPurple: ...
    brightCyan: ...
    brightWhite: ...
    background: ...
    foreground: ...


Why some commands do not work like in my previous terminal ?

Make sure your PATH variable is set to what you expect. The best way to have it be set properly is to run Atom with the CLI atom command.

Why do special characters not work?

Same answer, but with your LANG variable. I might add some logic to try and guess this if it's not set.


I'll follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 for the package overall and the service (currently undocumented, but easy code to read if you're interested). I'm not sure there's much point in carefully versioning the overall package, but I might as well. For the purposes of versioning, the public API is the registered commands and config keys with their types. For the service, it's... the service. All "own" properties of the provided object, with their argument types and return type.

