
Setup an Atom project to sync and write files to a Zesty.io Cloud Content Instance.







Zesty.io Atom IDE Package

Use this package to connect the Atom IDE to your Zesty.io Content Instance. Files are synced to your local computer from a remote content instance. You can then edit content instance files (views, css, javascript) and save them directly to the instance's development versions of the associated file. To publish files you must be logged into the Zesty.io manager of that instance.

Getting Started

  1. Install the zestyio-atom package.
apm install zestyio-atom
  1. Create an empty directory for your instance.
mkdir mydomain.com
  1. Create a file within your instance directory named zesty.json.

    a) This file can also be created by the package using the Atom application dropdown Packages > Zesty.io > Initilize, or by using the key command shortcut (ctrl + alt + i)

  2. Add the following JSON to the zesty.json file.

	"instanceZUID": "INSTANCE_ZUID",
	"token": "INSTANCE_TOKEN"
  1. In the zesty.json file replace INSTANCE_ZUID & INSTANCE_TOKEN with the values from your instance. This information can be accessed from the Zesty.io Manager Code Editor tab. From inside that tab, there is a link in the object helper tray labeled "external editing". Click that tray option to find these values.

    a) You can also omit the INSTANCE_TOKEN and the package will provide an interative login to Zesty.io. This will also happen if the token becomes stale. The login process will manage writing the new access token to your zesty.json file.

  2. Open your instance directory in Atom to trigger the instance sync. If Atom is already open you will need to restart it.

Once syncing is completed you should see your instance code files in your Atom project file tree.

Functionality Notes

Release Notes

Release 0.46.0

Release 0.44.0

Release 0.43.0

Release 0.42.0

Release 0.40.0

Release 0.39.0

Release 0.38.0

Release 0.37.0

Planned for post production

Submit feedback in the zestyiodevs slack channel.