
Invokes Zotero visual picker and inserts citation(s)




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zotero-picker package


To facilitate citation insertion for those who write in markdown and use Zotero.

Now you can write your research papers in markdown, and insert your citations using Zotero picker plugin for Atom.


A screenshot of the package

Note: Zotero-picker just inserts the citation keys, not the bibliography. Read the next section to learn how to get your bibliography into your output file.


First, Better Bibtex plugin should be installed to create citation keys and better be configured to auto-export your bib file(s). You can configure Better Bibtex plugin so that it auto-exports your Zotero library as a bib file every time you make a change on it:

Auto-export Configuration

Then you can insert your citation keys using Zotero-picker (Zotero standalone should be running in the background). Note that it does not insert the bibliography itself; Pandoc will do that for you once you have your markdown (i.e. input.md) and bibliography (i.e. mybib.bib) files ready. You can create your output (in the form of pdf, html, latex or even docx) from md using pandoc with a simple command then:

pandoc input.md --bibliography=mybib.bib -o output.pdf

Note: In case you need it, you can see the citation key values of your items in Zotero Info pane (these values are auto-generated by Better Bib(La)TeX for Zotero):

Citation key field in Zotero