
This is a collection of Atom snippets for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin.







Advanced Custom Fields Snippets for Atom

This is a collection of Atom snippets for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin. Based on the Advanced Custom Fields Snippets for Sublime Text package.


Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.

To make things the easiest to remember, snippet triggers are typically named as abbreviations for their output. For example, tf outputs (T)he (F)ield.

Field names and variable outputs that are auto-highlighted for replacement by Atom are shown in the code wrapped in asterisks.

Note: To make the most of this package, use the built-in php snippet to generate your opening and closing php tags. These snippets will generate code that will fit seamlessly between them.

Example usage:

php, tab (creates <?php and ?>), tf, tab

Standard Field Snippets

Snippet Output
tf the_field('*field_name*');
gf get_field('*field_name*');
ifgf if(get_field('*field_name*')):

Sub-Field Snippets

Snippet Output
tsf the_sub_field('*field_name*');
gsf get_sub_field('*field_name*');
whsf while(has_sub_field('*field_name*')):
ifgsf if(get_sub_field('*field_name*')):

Options Page Field Snippets

These snippets are the same as the standard and sub-field snippets, but with an 'o' appended to the end.

Snippet Output
tfo the_field('*field_name*', 'options');
gfo get_field('*field_name*', 'options');
ifgfo if(get_field('*field_name*', 'options')):
tsfo the_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options');
whsfo while(has_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options')):
ifgsfo if(get_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options')):

Repeater Field Snippets

Snippet Output
rf Outputs a block of code that opens and closes a repeater field loop
rfo Outputs a block of code that opens and closes a repeater field loop from the options page.

Utility Snippets

These snippets serve specific purposes.

acfcreateoptions Used in functions.php, this snippet will output code that will create multiple options pages in ACF 5. Code should be edited to reflect Option page names.