Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Reveals the focused file in the tree-view and collapses everything else. When no files are focused, reveals the top-level tree-view.
A terminal like dark UI for atom with clear boundries and compact interface.
微信语法支持高亮,API自动补全。wx更新:1.5.0 基础库更新 2017.08.18 喜欢GitHub给个小星星,这是个辛苦活儿啊!
Automatically remove keybindings that overlap with user defined ones in keymap.cson
Change text Table(col1, col2, col3) into DAO. Current hotkey is ctrl-alt-d
An in document command engine. Custom commands can be run directly from inside a document
A subtle atom syntax theme based on Base16 Ocean Light theme for Sublime Text.
A clone of the One Dark syntax theme with the color for comments made more readable.
My implementation of the [Solarized]( Dark color scheme.