Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Atom linter plugin using rorybot to catch Shopify style guide violations
Colourful theme, without madness. Based on orange, blue, green colours.
Support for Paradox Interactive's specialised HoI4-flavoured Clausewitz Language
A syntax theme based on the emacs version of zenburn (with a few additions)
Allows a Wildfly server to run inside Atom. For now you can launch and control the process, though eventually deployment and debugging features will be added.
A dark monokai syntax for One Dark with Gnome Adawaita background.
Quickly jump to a character on your current line (like Vim's find and till)
Select like a Sourceror! Turns selected text into an animated prism that's unnecessarily colorful and utterly mystical. For best results with dark themes, tick the 'Go Dark' option.