Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
The suburb Lights Syntax Theme is a breathtaking dark syntax theme designed with focus in mind. A fork from city-lights-syntax.
Colors from Pasquale's (@psql) brain, modded by @jdsimcoe. Roughly hacked together. Excuse strange LESS variables. Would like to clean up in a future release.
An improved version of Atom's original Base16 Tomorrow Dark Theme with more vivid syntax highlighting
A dark theme with yellow accents based off the GMK Serika keycap set
Syntax color theme inspired by HBO's Westworld that pairs nicely with these-violent-delights-ui theme also for the Atom text editor
A mashup of rubjo's VS Studio Ultimate Dark Neo and odahcam's Atom Sublime Monokai Syntax themes.
Syntax highlighting for z/VM Rexx files, ala the z/VM 6.4 Rexx Reference publication
High contrast dark theme based on base16-tomorrow-dark
A light syntax theme for Atom that uses Google's Material Design color palette
Spiritual successor to @yabatadesign's Afterglow Twilight theme for Atom