Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
The suburb Lights Syntax Theme is a breathtaking dark syntax theme designed with focus in mind. A fork from city-lights-syntax.
Syntax highlighting for z/VM Rexx files, ala the z/VM 6.4 Rexx Reference publication
A mashup of rubjo's VS Studio Ultimate Dark Neo and odahcam's Atom Sublime Monokai Syntax themes.
An improved version of Atom's original Base16 Tomorrow Dark Theme with more vivid syntax highlighting
Colors from Pasquale's (@psql) brain, modded by @jdsimcoe. Roughly hacked together. Excuse strange LESS variables. Would like to clean up in a future release.
A dark theme with yellow accents based off the GMK Serika keycap set
Syntax color theme inspired by HBO's Westworld that pairs nicely with these-violent-delights-ui theme also for the Atom text editor
A light syntax theme for Atom that uses Google's Material Design color palette
Spiritual successor to @yabatadesign's Afterglow Twilight theme for Atom