Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
ToyBox is a gorgeous syntax theme for Atom designed to bring out the creative kid in you.
Plugin for 'google-repo' that adds git diff status to the gutter
Node-requirer lets you quickly add require/import statements to any files/node_modules within your code!
A monokai-blackboard-bakko hybrid theme for Atom. Forked from kevinsawicki/monokai
Generate a report on the Web Platform features that your website uses, and the browser support of each feature.
Theme using Dark2 categorical colors
Syntax highlighting and snippets for WEB, CWEB and Noweb (Literate code) files.
An ATOM theme specifically catered towards Titanium Development (JS, XML, TSS). The color choices were largely based off of the Aurora theme from Sublime Text.
Package used to easily send embed code extracts to Discord using webhooks. Credits to KyStolos for the original package.