Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Background image / animation changer. Change your mood by changing what you looking at most of the time. Background changer with some additional readability improvement and a lot of features...
Notifications when an open file has changed on disk and Atom has pending changes.
A package that shows the current line ending (EOL) format of the active file and converts its EOL symbols to Windows/Unix/Old Mac format.
Saves the current file when you stop typing. You can enable / disable using the menu:toggle
Track gitlab pipelines state of your project in Atom editor and more
Shows annotations (e.g. for overriden methods interface implementations) in your PHP source code.
A dark colored UI theme for Atom with custom file icons. [fork of seti-ui by Jesse Weed]
Adds an alternative, theme-aware title bar and application menu that is more inline with Atom's UI design.
An autocomplete for common used bash builtin variables and functions
A monokai theme, made with ❤ and Vodka (kidding, was ☕ again) for Sublime Text Monokai Syntax and ⚛ lovers. 💚