Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
A light theme for desks that are too close to the window
Syntax highlighting, auto-completions and snippets for sqf and other languages used within the Real Virtuality engine.
A Beautiful theme for atom with Dark blue and ice colors distributed in a harmonic way
Clean, dark, high-contrast theme based off One Dark ui, to be used with blossom-ui.
Simply click on an element to add it's `TrueAutomation locator` to your test case.
Adds syntax highlighting, completions, and snippets to ISML & Demandware Script files in Atom.
Simultaneously edit multiple text ranges with related meanings, but different forms.
Navigate to the beginning and the end of blocks of code according to the fold and indentation levels.
Dark blueish syntax theme with soft colors for atom that's keen on the eye but stull colorful.