Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Just a little type of feeling just a something for peeps that are trying to chill 🎩
A higher contrast theme that highlights operators. Tested with and without f.lux.
A suite of tools to interact with CARTO APIs (SQL, import, geocode...), from within Atom.
Replace MOOSE input file action syntax with the verbose objects constructed
A Dark Reggae (green/yellow/red) syntax theme for Atom supporting HTML/CSS and JS
High contrast theme with a feeling of spring in the countryside.
Some packages needs this package to enable clipboard features
Cleans out extraneous HTML that can be inserted when using the Ally downloader.
Atom package that let's you automatically insert "bacon ipsum" dummy/placeholder text to any file in atom.
Select inside brackets (normally done with ctrl-cmd-m) by double-clicking the opening bracket character.
helps by emitting file changed events and makes navigation trivial when error occurs in the browser
Low contrast theme. Inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Atom package to add debug statements with vars in just a few clicks, no typing