Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Port of the Spacegray Sublime Theme (Default theme - Dark)
Show the class/function/scope name of the current line on the status bar.
A beautifully minimal, subtly animated, and carefully designed Atom UI theme that lets you focus on what matters: your code. For best results, use with the nebula-syntax theme.
A monokai-blackboard hybrid theme for Atom. Forked from kevinsawicki/monokai
Sort ES2015 (aka ES6) imports. Manually – or automatically when you save your JavaSript or TypeScript files.
Adds an indicator to the status bar that shows the indentation width and type of the active editor
Drag files from the tree-view (or externally) to create HTML tags with automatic relative paths
A north-bluish, dark clean and elegant Atom syntax theme.
A light and radically colourful syntax theme, inspired by Google Material Design's colour palette.
MovementSpeed++. Jump to any word in your current view super fast. (redux)
Atom package providing side panel with class information.