An interactive GDB debugger for Atom. Based on dbg-gdb, but provides more customization.
This package provides the following services:
This package consumes the following services:
dbg-gdb-custom-server package
An interactive GDB debugger for Atom.
dbg-gdb-custom-server additions:
Based on dbg-gdb, but removes some of the hardcoded start commands, and provides an option for a debug server. Great for debugging remote embedded targets.
Removed commands: 'set mi-async on' && 'set target-async on' as these cause problems for remote targets.
How to use
- Right click on an executable in the treeview, select
Debug this file
, and clickSave
- (Optional) Customize the gdb_executable, gdb_arguments, server_executable, and server_arguments if your device is a remote/embedded target.
- Toggle breakpoints by clicking beside line numbers or pressing
- Press
, and select the executable - ...
- Profit!
Service: Creates a dbgProvider
for GDB, see basic dbgProvider service description
Supported options
- Optional. The path to the file to debug
- Optional. An array of arguments to pass to the file being debugged
- Optional. The working directory to use when debugging
- Optional. An array of environmental variables, ex: ['VAR1=9', 'VAR2=thing', ...]
- Optional. The full command used to execute gdb (defaults to 'gdb')
- Optional. An array of extra arguments to pass to gdb (note that the arguments ['-quiet', '--interpreter=mi2'] are always included first)
- Optional. An array of commands to pass to gdb, once active (these are executed last of all, but right before '-exec-run')
- Optional. Starts a remote GDB server of your choice, ex: 'JLinkGDBServerCL')
- Optional. An array of extra arguments to pass to the remote GDB server ex: ['-if', 'swd', '-device', 'nRF52832_xxAA'])
For a list of features and all available keyboard shortcuts, please see dbg and dbg-gdb
Example .atom-dbg.cson for nRF52 Embedded Target
debugger: "dbg-gdb-custom-server"
gdb_executable: 'arm-none-eabi-gdb'
gdb_commands: ['target remote localhost:2331', 'monitor speed 1000',
'monitor clrbp', 'monitor reset', 'monitor halt',
'monitor regs', 'monitor flash breakpoints 1',
'monitor semihosting enable', 'monitor semihosting IOClient 1',
'monitor SWO DisableTarget 0xFFFFFFFF',
'monitor SWO EnableTarget 0 0 0x1 0']
path: "out\\out.axf"
cwd: "out"
server_executable: 'JLinkGDBServerCL'
server_arguments: ['-if', 'swd', '-device', 'nRF52832_xxAA',
'-endian', 'little', '-speed', '1000', '-port',
'2331', '-swoport', '2332', '-telnetport',
'2333', '-vd', '-ir', '-localhostonly', '1',
'-singlerun', '-strict', '-timeout', '0']