This package consumes the following services:

The core dependency you need to support formatting services.
Provides a service API that you can register by scope name to send Async formatting edits.
- Provides unified keyboard shortcuts
- Takes care of command resolution to the correct scope and therefore provider
- Takes care of applying the code edits in a manner that they can be easily undone (transactional)
Default (inspired from IntelliJ):
'alt-ctrl-l': 'formatter:format-code'
'alt-cmd-l': 'formatter:format-code'
API for Providers
Given you understand these simple concepts:
/** 0 based */
interface EditorPosition {
line: number;
col: number;
interface CodeEdit {
start: EditorPosition;
end: EditorPosition;
newText: string;
interface Selection {
start: EditorPosition;
end: EditorPosition;
The Provider really needs to be a FormatterProvider
. It needs to provide a selector for which it will work. And then Either of the two:
- a
function that gets passed inFormattingOptions
and returns a bunch ofCodeEdit[]
or a promise thereof. This method is preferred as we do not create astring
. - a
function that gets passed in text and then returns formatted text. This is slower as we create and pass around strings.
interface CodeEditOptions {
editor: AtomCore.IEditor;
// only if there is a selection
selection: Selection;
interface FormatterProvider {
selector: string;
disableForSelector?: string;
// One of:
getCodeEdits: (options: CodeEditOptions) => CodeEdits[] | Promise<CodeEdit[]>;
getNewText: (oldText: string) => string | Promise<string>;
Sample Provider
"providedServices": {
"formatter": {
"versions": {
"1.0.0": "provideFormatter"
Sample Coffeescript
module.exports = FormatterCoffeescript =
activate: (state) ->
provideFormatter: ->
selector: '',
getNewText: (text) =>
CF = require 'coffee-formatter'
lines = text.split('\n');
resultArr = [];
for curr in lines
p = CF.formatTwoSpaceOperator(curr);
p = CF.formatOneSpaceOperator(p);
p = CF.shortenSpaces(p);
result = resultArr.join('\n')
return result
Sample TypeScript
export function provideFormatter() {
var formatter: FormatterProvider;
formatter = {
selector: '.source.ts',
getCodeEdits: (options: FormattingOptions): Promise<CodeEdit[]> => {
var filePath = options.editor.getPath();
if (!options.selection) {
return parent.formatDocument({ filePath: filePath }).then((result) => {
return result.edits;
else {
return parent.formatDocumentRange({
filePath: filePath,
start: options.selection.start,
end: options.selection.end })
.then((result) => {
return result.edits;
return formatter;