
An Atom package that creates dynamic hotkeys to jump around files across visible panes.

David L. Goldberg







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An Atom package that creates dynamic hotkeys to jump around files and across visible panes.

How to jump

  1. Hit shift + enter
  2. Choose from your presented labels:
  3. Enter two characters.
  4. Keep coding!

Jumpy in Action! - (gif made with recordit.co)


On command line:

apm install jumpy

or the for the whole jumpy suite:

apm install jumpy jumpy-beacon back-jumpy


Key Bindings



Jumpy preferences

( Preferences cmd+, ) -> search for 'jumpy'

Jumpy settings


Jumpy example

(image after settings set to .85 font size, high contrast, and default camel case matching pattern)

'vim-mode/vim-mode-plus' Users (Strongly Recommended Override)

Put this override in your 'Atom' -> 'Keymap...' settings:

'atom-text-editor:not(.mini).vim-mode:not(.insert-mode):not(.jumpy-jump-mode), .tree-view':
    'f': 'jumpy:toggle'

or if vim-mode-plus:

'atom-text-editor:not(.mini).vim-mode-plus:not(.insert-mode):not(.jumpy-jump-mode), .tree-view':
    'f': 'jumpy:toggle'

This will bind 'f' to toggle Jumpy.

This is not the default because it changes vim's native behavior. Instead, with Jumpy, after jumping to the nearest word, you can easily word or character jump over to your target. The Vimium chrome extension chose this binding. Please let me know what you think about this binding for Jumpy here!

'hydrogen' Users

If you want to use the original keybinding for Jumpy it's shift+enter. Hydrogen overrides this to simulate the Jupyter notebook behavior. Put this override in your 'Atom' -> 'Keymap...' settings:

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not(.mini)':
    'shift-enter': 'jumpy:toggle'

This is less necessary for vim-mode users because of above binding, although setting up a binding like this will allow jumps from insert mode as well!

Jumpy Styles

Note: Styles can be overridden in 'Atom' -> 'Open Your Stylesheet' (see examples below)

atom-text-editor {
    .jumpy-label {
        // Regular labels
        background-color: black;
        color: white;
        &.high-contrast {
            // High Contrast labels (activated in settings)
            background-color: green;

My other Atom packages 😃


(A little SEO juice)