Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Allow user to open a CMD from current directory in Atom tree-view or editor.
Enable live editing with Pinegrow Web Editor. Changes done in Pinegrow are synced to Atom and vice versa. Selecting element in Pinegrow highlights it in Atom. Pressing CTRL+ALT+P in Atom selects the active element in Pinegrow. Pinegrow 2.9 is required.
This is a great syntax for seti-ui in Visual Studio style. Recommended for HTML, CSS, JS, SASS and PUG.
Use colors to show in a non intrusive manner different indentation levels.
Formatter for C, C++, Objective-C, Java, Javascript, and Protobuf.
Find all imports in a python project and produce a requirements.txt
Highlight the matching bracket for the `(){}[]` character under the cursor. Move the cursor to the matching bracket with `ctrl-m`.
Snippets for popular SVG icons, including Octicons, Evil Icons, Open Iconic, SmartIcons Glyphs, and Bytesize
On-the-fly bug and quality issues detection for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and PHP