Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
HTML class='' and id='' shortcuts via . and # emulating Sublime Text's auto_id_class feature.
A light easy on the eyes theme with minimal highlighting.
Vue-router integrates with Vue.js core to make building Single Page Applications >> Snippet >> atom-vue-router by @code4mk
A better port of the Spacegray Sublime theme by Gadzhi Kharkharov.
It allows to decode XML. It converts <test></test> to <test></test>.
If you work with few projects same time this plugin give you the opportunity to change your workspace faster. Save your workspace, all your opened tabs, cursor position, etc. for each task you are working with.
Create easily vue components with boilerplate template and HTML5 structured pages. Usage: Type vue-template and hit tab or CTRL + ALT + o. If you wish to create a new file with the vue template, hit CTRL+ALT+V. Type html5-template and hit tab for boilerplate HTML5 page.
A simple package that will create a directory and an, saving tens of seconds a year
Edit files remotely on your ftp/sftp(ssh) server without a project. All connection information is encrypted.
Lint `Foodcritic` on the fly, using foodcritic
An Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X 10.10 Yosemite