pulsar-ide-markdown Made for Pulsar!

An IDE package for Markdown using md-lsp or Marksman







This package consumes the following services:


An IDE provider package for Markdown.

Taps into an installation of md-lsp or Marksman — which you must install on your own. Follow the links for installation instructions.


  1. Install either Marksman or md-lsp.
  2. Open the settings for this package.
  3. Choose one of the two options for “Language Server” — the one corresponding to whichever server you installed.
  4. Specify the path to the server in the appropriate setting — either “Path to Marksman” or “Path to md-lsp.” The default value may work if the binary is in your PATH; if you encounter an error on startup, you may instead want to specify the absolute path.
  5. Integration into built-in packages (autocomplete-plus and symbols-view) will happen automatically. For other integrations, install some of the optional packages below.

What does this package do?

Once your language server is installed and running, you may install any of the following packages to get special features. (Not all of these have been extensively tested; file a bug if any don’t work as expected.)

Start with these packages; they’re all builtin, actively maintained, and/or built exclusively for Pulsar:

For other features that don’t have equivalents above, the legacy atom-ide packages should also work: